Monday, March 23, 2009

Cosmic Size Relativity

Ramesy did a double take bringing him back into the DOME's heating system and lights.

"DOME....DOME..." he uttered.

He was assaulted by a series of squawks and beeps.

Damn it.

"DOME...In English Please...."

Ramsey waited for a moment. Took another sip of his too cold coffee.


"This is the DOME system speaking. How may I help you."

"DOME we need to crank the heating system down for a spell, to nearly 40 degrees Fahrenheit."

"May I enquire about your status check?"

"Containment Coordinator/BXGG - Russal Ramesy....enviorsuit 2596-oghe....under Special Unit."

"One moment please."

Ramesy heard the tuck of the heating system kick in, it blew hot for a moment and then settled into cold.

"The heating system will bring you to 40 degrees in ....14 minutes."

"Thank you DOME. Also may we have light please."

"Eviorlight or Human Light"

"Human Light."

"One moment please."

The light popped on. What Ramesy saw was putrid, it was why he never wanted to do this again. And yet, here is was again. He got his gloves out, and buttoned up his jump suit, drew his beanie down. I guess I better count the heads. Everywhere, over the entire DOME, people were throwed everywhere. He made a game of it. Ramesy lost count when he got to number 104.

He threw up.

Wiped the vomit off his mouth. Took a sip of his cold coffee, washed it around and spit it out. Over by the Illuminated Light Show, he saw what had brought them to this.

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