Friday, March 6, 2009

Containment Coordinator/BXGG....

Containment Coordinator/BXGG scoping out the scene. All around him dead bodies were everywhere. Into his lapel he sighed and rattled off the dispute:
"...we will need a field of officers here, two of them and a crew of sub-contracted workers, preferable from Mexico....we will need five haulers...."
Back in , what amounted to his car, he ripped off a chew pouch and settled down to the drive. The coffee was cold, but he drank it anyway. Gurgling in his guts. The chew pouch did not help matters any. Buy the time he reached the city, he was warn out. He stopped at any electopad and let the engine idle. Looking down at his mud caked shoes, he began to wonder. And then fall asleep. The dream happened the way a dream happened :

He was at a State Fair. People bustled around him. The State Fair could have been anyplace. He realized this in the dream. He was 24 again. 24. And yet he was over 50 in his mind. The folks were bustling to a show. He went with them. It was dark inside, very dark. He was starting to get feverous when the light came on and everyone stood up cheering. The man in the ostrich suit was giving him the go, along with the others.

"Feel freedom! Away from the others, be ostentatious, give you a start will you, a start into the new world. The New World!"

He was making his way to the entrance, the entrance to a world he has never seen before....

Then he woke up.

The electopad was dinging. He'd been asleep for twenty minutes.

"Hello Odd-fellow," the electopad was singing, "you can move along will you."

"Shit." he said. And moved along.

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