Thursday, April 2, 2009

Quote :

From "Devil May Care, the new James Bond Novel" by Sebastian Faulks writing as Ian Fleming, Doubleday Books, London, 2008. pages 50 and 51.  "Bond slept like a child in the quiet cacoon of his hotel room.  A dinner of scrambled eggs from room service, three large bourbons and a hot bath made the barbiturate unnecessary.  In the morning, he exercised strenuously, pushing himself through sixty sit-ups and a variety of stretching exercises for the legs and back that Wayland had shown him in Barbados.  The maid brought him breakfast as he was cooling down, and he ate it wrapped in a towel at the table in the window.  The coffee was good, but he could never feel enthusiastic about croissants.  At least there was something approaching marmalade."


Steve tingle said...

So, I think this proves that discerning persons should come live in this blog, since here you get real marmalade at breakfast, not "something approaching marmalade'.

Scifihed said...

They have marmalade for b-fast at Farmer Boy. It is alllllways tasty!