"Bard's tales shape history as much as history shapes the tales. Especially here, where will is the shape of the world."----Morgan le Fey --- You will perhaps remember that our friends Diedre and Freddy are hanging out at the Hotel Del on a different plane of reality....a more rarified realm,where will shapes the world? It seems plenty real when it's the only reality you've got at hand....just like ours. But let's step through Dream Land for a while, to the borders of Spirit Land. Down a forest track, we come to an ancient inn, huddled up against a hill of oak and granite...a spring burbles a rill alongside the inn yard....a tow-headed boy sits on the porch edge, whittling a reed whistle....the breeze causes the heavy old inn sign to swing on it's bronze hoops, green with verdigris, softly squeeking....the venerable sign of the Dragon and the Owl. Enter the cool dim big room, with a scattering of knights and knaves hunched over heavy oak tables, drinking mead, playing at tossing the bones...the light glints off the gold and silver coins they gamble, and off of golden sword hilts and silver riding spurs. The heavy-set old innkeeper sizes us up, and decides that we need the best of the rye whiskey, thrice distilled, liquid amber. The huge barn owl on his perch behind the bar swivels his head round, blinks twice profoundly, and says..."Hello and welcome back, Prince Iron Heart. How fare you and yours?"
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