If you think that isolated farmers on the great open plains of the 19th century frontier were lonely, imagine what it's like for the space pioneers of the 22nd century.....they shoot you out as close as they can get to the speed of light, and tell you to tend the ship....that's your job, for which you will be well paid....but there's no way to get back home to ever collect your rewards....you are already lost in space and time, whether you like it or not.....the fancy quantum entanglement devices give you contact with the SolorWeb, you can do virtual social networking....but you can never touch those people, or see them face to face.....Your dedicated life support systems provide you with air and water and food and light and heat....but they cannot provide actual human contact.....that is lightyears away and agone.....and your virtual "friends" bloom and fade at great speed, for they are not whizzing along like you are....your time goes much more slowly than theirs....somebody has turned up the speed on the playback of their lives, or turned down the speed on yours....which amounts to the same thing anyway.....and then there are things on the news about how stressed the space pioneers must be, so lost and lonely.....well what the f**k do you expect, you stupid already dead reality-bound idiots!
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