Two man-sized toads sat on the porch swing, swaying gently. The thunder crashed, and the rain came down like a waterfall in the springtime. "Say, Frank..." one toad croaked to the other..."Do you think the humans will leave these nice front porches here when their whole colonization project goes bottoms up?" "Do you think it's all headed for the crapper, really, Bud?" responded Frank. "Well, they came in here great guns, but things seem to be petering out lately. They got all those empty lots over in the new sub-division, and nothing going up but weeds. Been, what, a year almost since any new folks arrived? I wish they would leave the force-field fences up too....they give us a place to get away from the feathered serpents." Frank flops out his meter long tongue and snags a good one kilo firefly out of the air, swallows it, and burps. Then he puts in his two cents worth...."I think the humans have invested enough here that they aren't just going to walk away....I can see the crowd that's already here staying on to raise up their tadpoles, just coasting along on welfare and food stamps....I don't think their government is going to fly them across space to any place new, and their old place must have been full up, or they wouldn't have sent them here to begin with." ponders Frank. Bud, a biology major, thinks for a few minutes and then observes..."Not much of a gene pool for the long haul, is it? In a couple of generations, there won't be anybody left but some kind of cousin to get hitched to." Frank says..."I don't care what they do inside behind closed doors, as long as they leave up these nifty porch swings....and keep that sewer plant running....things
smell a lot better around here since that came online." Bud nodded agreement to that point, as more lightning flashed, thunder hammered, and rain sleeted down. Inside the house, a daddy human and a mommy human were playing peek-a-boo with their single tadpole after dinner, waiting for Galactic Idol to come on the sensory array.
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