Director Wu, Agent Hedley, and some others who shall remain unidentified were gathered in a briefing room at Moon City Human Security Services headquarters. Dr. Smith, the noted historical exobiologist, was ready to tell them the official ghost story. He dims the lights, and the big screen comes on, showing a shot of a spiral galaxy......"As you all know.."the doctor begins.."many of the trace remains of the various fifty-eight known transcended races can be found closer to the center of the Milky Way....because of chronological drift....the most obvious trace is of course the machine culture that has developed itself from the various artificial intelligences that were left on the common plane when the parent biological intelligences transcended to a higher plane, as it were. " He pauses for a sip of water, and resumes..."Other manifestations or evidences of the continued association of the elder races with our common plane include such cultural relics as tales of angels, demons, spirits, ghosts, the powers-that-be, and so on." The big screen is now looping the images Senior Analyst Shelby has sent from the HSS Impeccable, showing the souls of two HSS officers being taken up by the dragonship. The doctor continues..."Here we see but the latest hard evidence of a race that likes to play around on our plane sometimes. Seven other instances have been similarly recorded, by our own instraments, and by those of the Nomad Horde, and the Imperial Insects. The dragonships seem to be drawn most often to the vicinity of spacequakes, supernovae, reality inversions, and the like.....disasters on the common plane, in other words. Most of the transcended just ignore us, but what has been named the Dragon Angel Cult makes a habit of gathering up sentient souls in dire danger, and offering them safety and solace in a variant dimensional reality, or higher plane, if you will. I have been asked the question as to whether or not it is likely that we can get the officers back from where they have gone. I do not think this is likely, since there is no recorded instance of anyone having done this before. It is speculated that the transcendent realm is probably quite pleasant to a suddenly elevated sentient from our common plane, and they would not want to return if they could." The briefing goes on, but Director Wu is lost in thought, trying to imagine what experiences one might have on that other side......
Well, the pic doesn't really have anything to do with the post...I'm still trying to figure this stuff out....
or....maybe that's a shot of the fiddle player warming up before the Dragon Angel gig at the Stork Club, across Telegraph from Brian's condo....
I like the photo of you "here" under the comments page
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