Friday, March 13, 2009

His right earbud

Started reading him a public broadcast...."Subether reports are reaching newscenter of a seven point one magnitude spacequake in a populated region of the Insect Empire.  Human spacecraft have monitored multiple distress signals, and deep range scans are revealing large amounts of cosmic debris in the affected area..."The Director set his glass back down on the bar, returned to his seat, fastened his lap belt and closed his eyes.  He switched to VirtualVision, and the screen came on inside his head.  The mail icon said 13 unread.  He ignored that for the moment, and started channel surfing through the major news feeds, trying to see what kind of slant the talking heads were giving the disaster story.  As a Director with Frontier Affairs, this thing could be a real pain to his office.  He didn't get very far before a priority flag came in was from Hedley, his contact man at HSS(covert)...."Say Wu, thought you should get this post haste....our guy on scene, ol' BillyBob Shelby on the Impeccable, he's telling me that we lost a whole damn ship out there....a signal frigate that was operating near the apparent epicenter where all kinds of crap boiled up out of a dimensional rift.  They've lost all comm with the frigate, anyway....and things look pretty rough for any biots that were near that.  Anyway, that's what I've got.  See you at the meeting."  The hum from the gravatron engines shifted pitch, as the 0800 started its approach into the lunar gravity well.....

1 comment:

Scifihed said...

Hi Steve, wonderful work!!! I have to be at meetings all day. I should be able to get to this on Sat or Sun.

It is grouping together nicely.