Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I hate it when that happens

Not making much money selling churros, I got involved in some things that I should have stayed clear of, which is why I was in a very seedy part of the transient zone wending my way through the trash piles in a dark narrow stinking alley, when somebody hit me from behind.  I awoke in pitch dark, with my head throbbing like a gravatron motor with a bearing going hands were tied behind my back, and I was face down on cold steel plate.  The air was thick and foul, and gravity was too heavy for my taste.  Things were not looking good, and they were looking even worse when the lights suddenly came on, and I found myself staring at the steel-capped toe-claws of a lizard warrior.  I must be a captive of some faction of the Lizard Nomad Horde.  "Well, if it isn't mister Estaban, appearing at somewhat of a disadvantage.....ha ha ha!"  hissed a nasty lizard voice.  Damn, it sounded like my old nemesis Slither the One-Eyed.....who used to just be called Slither, before our last little contretemps.  Last I'd seen of him, he was cursing me at the top of his lungs, vowing to eat my liver without removing it first, as I made my getaway by stealing his spaceship.

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