Saturday, February 16, 2013

Here I am now

Once I was one of many like myself, doing my duty in the service of the commonwealth.....this is what we had been brought up to do.....birth, school, then work.....myself and my peers worked in Space Service.....we seldom touched down on any planet, we lived in ships or sometimes on stations....we interacted mostly with intelligent systems of cybernetic nature.....other people were usually encountered in holographic projection.....we each had a domain to maintain in the whole scheme of things......the job was to oversee machine functions, because nothing is really automatic after all, as much as we might wish it the beginning of my shift one day something went really wrong, an aberration in the quantum shifter rhythm sent my module just slightly out of consensus reality onto a divergent track.....I am here now.....but I'm not sure where here is.....or when it is.....

My module maintains integrity....I have air, water, food as usual....but I have no contact with the others anymore....I call out, but get no answer.....readings indicate that conditions outside of my module's singularity bubble are not standard.....basic physical constants are wrong.....subatomic structure does not compute as it time shift function is not functioning....I'm stuck in news broadcasts are coming shows aren't showing up in the evening...the lights still get dim when it's time for bed, and get bright again when it's time to go to work, but I can't do any work anymore.....I have no contact with system functions.......

Information resources are not any help, this situation seems to have no precedent in memory.....I am here now.....

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