Sunday, June 21, 2009

Summer's almost gone.....

Summer's almost gone, and the students and faculty have begun to gather in College Grove....our High Prince Iron Heart of Iron Hill stands in the middle of the muddle and hustle as servitors take various items out of his new quarters, and load them into the carts heading to Old Merrymont.  And other servitors unload his own carts and mules and carry items into the ancient pile .....Back home at Iron Hill, his dear cousin the Lady Dierdre, Eldest Sister of the Sacred Order, tends the Iron Throne, and the affairs of the Realm....there is no worry there...her mind is like his mind, and what she knows, he does also, in the mystic fashion of their ancient blood.  She is half-fae, and half-mortal, as is our High Prince.  The leaves are beginning to turn on some trees, others will wait.....Iron Heart holds tight to his runestaff, focusing his powers on the feel of the place, on the mood of the is always a sort of a homecoming, when a Fellow returns to the Grove....and now it is his College, his to guide as the new honor every Bachelor might dream of at some point in his career.....chance and time have brought him to this pass....chance and time and tradition....and Duty.  The old oaks shimmer and rustle softly to the breeze, the dark gowned denizens of the Grove go to and fro, on their own various duties....the sky is blue, and full of birdsong.....the cold clear water splashes and gurgles in the fountains of the quadrangle, it is indeed a homecoming......  

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