Thursday, June 25, 2009

a breakfast of oysters

"Arthur himself showed an example by first embracing Sansum, and afterwards Melwas, the dethroned Belgic King whom Arthur had exiled to Isca.  Melwas submitted with a lumbering grace to the kiss of peace, but he died a month later after eating a breakfast of tainted oysters.  Fate, as Merlin loved to tell us, is inexorable."----from Enemy of God (a novel of Arthur) by Bernard Cornwell.  What moral do we learn from this?  Frankly, I don't think much of a seafood breakfast anyway....except maybe kippers and scrambled eggs.  Hopefully pickled kipper won't kill you.  Or, at College, sometimes you would get trout and eggs....the Commons also had the sausages cooked with apple slices of fond memory......the Ancient Dean doesn't eat often at Commons, but does so once or twice a week, since it is customary.  Usually the staff he brought with him serves him in Quarters.....there is a good trout pond not far away.....but the trees are bare now, and soon the pond will freeze over.....under the leaden sky, some riders are on the Eastern Road....their arrival has been awaited for some months......

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