Monday, April 26, 2010

sort of skating and slip-sliding

down the alleys of the space-station, I made progress over the slug-slimed deck towards the transportation concourse, where I should be able to find whatever human-oriented services were to be accessed in this situation....and....glory-and-behold....I did slide into a little portion of the concourse with a holographic blue sky with puffy cartoon clouds and some perverted alien impression of birds flitting and singing, etc.....and there I did in fact find the usual Atomic Taco franchise, and the Sushi-mama-rama, and a Waffle House....and my longed-for McD with a Value Menu.....I tossed some coin at the serving function thingy, and was rewarded with what resembled to some degree coffee and a Sausage Egg McMuffin....after swallowing this stuff, I began to feel better....I accessed the free wifi, and searched for a labor-jobber.....I needed to get a berth on some ship out of here post haste, was the way I scanned it.....

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