Monday, November 16, 2009

streaks in the sky

rolling booms of shuttles coming down.....this has been going on for days now, more and more of the strangers descending from the big space ships you can actually see up there in orbit with your own eyeballs, the damn things are that far none of them have come down near us, isolated out here in the sierras.....most are probably landing around Newport and Angel Town, the big settlements on the coastal plain. Why are they coming here now? Maybe the trans-dimensional disturbances have chased them off the older worlds. That's what they get for messing with reality, if that's what's going on. We came out this far to try to keep clear of all that....people weren't meant to slide around on astral planes, in and out of various multiverse's just not natural. Just give me that old time Reality, like our Fathers used to know. Out here we've got dirt and rocks and trees and dogs and real born children....all the way things used to be, and should be. The strangers have become too strange altogether, mixing genes with fairy realms, with aliens, with God knows what. And they keep opening doors that should have been left shut and locked. At first it was all great wonder and glory and dreams come true....but bad things started coming too soon enough. So here they are now in their gigantic faster than light flying cities, trying to get away from all that weirdness and grief by seeking refuge on our poor little frontier planet.....damn them.....they should leave us alone.

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