Friday, April 27, 2012

I got bored

so I went out to the barn and ran a dianostic on the systems of my old Solar-Flyer all looks good so I taxi it out to the dirt strip out back and fly on over to Lone Port....the shuttle is still there, hasn't gone back up to the station yet....I tie down and head for the Sea Breeze....a damn bar in the middle of the desert with a nautical nets hanging around, beach virtuals, whatever....damned cheap pitchers of local draft....the usual suspects are don't really want to know about usual stool is vacant, so I assume it and order a brew and a shot.....Danny Boy, the ageless barkeep, inquires after my health, etc.....I tell him all is fine....he goes back to washing beer glasses....a nasty looking prospector type dude kinda leans to one side on his stool and rips off a whiskey fart....nothing like drinking in a class joint, I alwaya say....I ask the fart dude if he has had much luck lately out in the sands....any thing out there worth any bucks? Dude allows as how one night over towards Oasis Three a she-wraith from the Old had come into our reality and offered to trade him an ancient mystic battle-axe for anything he had swapped his tune player for a two meter tall art work from another dimension...a beautiful aritifact....he had a broker working on it....seeing what it might go for back in the civilized zones....he was feeling pretty good about the whole situation...we sat and drank for the rest of the afternoon...then we got some ribs and onion rings....sometimes I've had wraiths from the Old drop by my place out in the nothing...maybe I should see if any of them want to barter cheap goods for priceless objects from the Other Realms....

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