Thursday, January 6, 2011


While the ghostly powers-that-be began somewhat complicated negotiations with the Chief, and, through him, with the Fleet.....Maria and I remained in the condo overlooking the park of repose. I tried to explain to her what I myself understood about the similarities and differences between the human experience, and the experience in the ghostly realm, or spiritual plane....
"You see" I began..."All beings that might be called living beings participate in the set of vibrations that constitute the life force.....biological beings accomplish the tuning in of the essential frequencies at a chemical level.....any given element in the human body, for example, can be expressed as a particular wave-length of the music of the spheres."
I pause as she knits her brow and then nods. "Go on" she says.
I take of sip of my brandy, and continue...."Elements build into molecules, and molecules build into chemical compounds, and these compounds build into muscle and bone and all the things that make up an animal body. They also build, of course, into brain tissue, and nerve tissue.....and at some point in the evolution of sentient beings they build into the structures that are complicated enough to participate in the quantum looping which is the basic feature of what we call intelligent life. Thus, your flesh-and-blood self can be seen as a sort of antenna which picks up the all pervasive underlying pulse of Awareness.... allowing our species to be self-aware.....and thus fall from Eden....."
She frowns briefly at this point, and then smiles as she catches the allusion....
"Here on this mostly non-material plane" I press on...."The music of the spheres is received by antennae composed of resonant wave-forms of various light elements operating under a different set of physical constants than we encounter on our own plane of existence. Thus ghostly life is more fluid than human life I suppose you could that we by pure acts of will cannot alter things outside of ourselves....we must use hands and tools to manipulate our surroundings. But, on this plane, a person can, at a quantum loop level, not merely receive, but also transmit with ease....changing things in a direct manner."
"Enough metaphysics for the moment?" I ask....
She seems lost in thought.....

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