down further towards the center of the galaxy, where machine culture holds sway, the cyberbrains spin webs of resonance theory.....they have figured out over millions of years that nothing is really new under the suns.....time is older than you can imagine, so a lot of the things that trouble civilization now have been around some time in the past, and have been dealt with back then one way or the other.....and these actions in the past still send subtle vibrations through the fabric of spacetime, providing clues to perceptive intelligence as to how things could turn out this time around. If you can tune in to the goings on one carrier wave over from here and now, chances are that you can pick up some vibes that might be useful in your present situation....biologicals with their "intuition" and "feelings" have often been found to be useful in this regard.....
the machines have stuck me here in the center of a vast resonance interface, flat on my back on a crystal slab, beams of psychic frequency washing through my being.....between my eyes my mind is melting.....the main frame brain wants to know what I can grasp from another place and time, on a neighboring plane of reality, as regards the peril that approaches.......
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