"Second" he addressed her...."Lay in for Port Martini, I want to see what the hell a place out in the middle of effing nowhere with a silly name looks like, if you please."
"Aye, Sir."
Meanwhile, deep within Authority Command, Port Martini.....an older fellow with a white beard, but hair still mostly dark, pulled back into a ponytail.....sat scanning readouts on a host of holoscreens, as was his wont during working hours.....he re-ran the holo of the Treaty frigate dusting the bugger pirates.....damn, Treaty fuckers poking around again....wish they didn't mess around so much on Regional turf.....we don't get any damn Treaty Council money, what makes them think they own this space? The name plate on his desk, what someone coming in through the door would see boldly displayed, simply said AUTHORITY.....that's who he was, and you better believe it.....
Lt. Lily Rose knew what the local situation was, down to the nuts and bolts of it.....after all, that was her job description. Off duty now, she was leaning back in the Lounge, sort of amused by her imaginings of the prospective meeting between Mr. Hardass and Mr. Regional Authority.....she would have to brief the Commander as best she could of course.....duty and all....but he would get his hackles up she thought, when she told him this was one pissing-match he might he might find getting his boots wet.....
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