Tuesday, January 5, 2010

the scholar from over the sea

was sitting with the older daughter of the house in the sun lit tower room, asking questions about the Iron Prince. He was fascinated by his story; taken at a young age from the castle of his father to be raised up to man hood on the Other Side....the land of the fey. And forty years later come back to assume the throne, looking like a youth of twenty years at best. Time moves more slowly on the Other Side. Here in the Uplands he was called High Prince Starbert, after his grandfather of that name. Well, that was the name struck into the coin, but the Sisters of the Temple called him by his fey name, Stone-Eye.
"How came he by the name Stone-Eye?" asked the scholar.
"When he was first brought before the Queen of the Fey as a lad, he did not seem at all abashed before the wonders of the Fairy Court; he stood quietly amid the glamour and beauty of the Crystal Hall, seemingly unimpressed. The Queen looked at him once, and bid Lord Sylvester, his sponsor, to take Stone-Eye and show him his chambers. Thus was he named in Fairy. Sylvester told me later that when the Prince heard how the Queen called him, he blinked once, and then smiled slightly, as he made a knee in response to the Queen's commands." replies the daughter.

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