a lot of people seem to have some kind of moral objection to the idea of a pluralistic universe....they want absolute certainty that their god is in his heaven and all is right with the world, in the long run....of course there is that nasty of problem of evil, but what they want is the assurance that
in the end everything is One, and thus all warm and cozy and O.K........well, let's take a little look at the way things really are.....it's much more bizarre than a pluralistic universe, it's a
multiverse....the Theory of Everything, which goes through the math and logic and finally reconciles General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, presents us with a reality in which physical constants
are not constant everywhere.....so where does that leave the much loved
moral constants?
Well, let's be pragmatic about this.....we are never going to actually interact with another layer of the multiverse, are we? So let's just concentrate on the world as we see it, and not worry about what goes on Over There.....but.....the here and now is in fact hopelessly entangled with the there and then.....the nuts and bolts of our perceived state of affairs, the quarks, the bosons, and what all....they need the other dimensions we can't directly reach through our senses to constitute the whole mess, the multiverse of pluralism to a higher power.....
What's my point? Well, just that you can't be too smug about thinking you have it all figured out....that things are as that seem.....that any authority is good authority.....