Tuesday, November 23, 2010

ghost in the machine

Laundry ghost! [365 - day 70], originally uploaded by jseft.

quantum entanglement and the ghost in the machine

maybe here we get to the nitty gritty.....what is that elusive something that lets mind slip around matter, like oil slips around the moving parts of an engine? What allows our experience of all that out there, outside of our heads? Common sense indicates that there is no re- action without action, it seems that things must touch somehow for interaction to occur.....we feel the spirit, we sense the mundane....what we sense of this gross and often horrible world can beat down our spirit.....and, hopefully, the glory of spirit that we feel in out hearts can somehow transcend this battering and carry us to higher things. But is this all just wishful thinking, or is there some science involved here.....does the quantum leap to a new paradigm have some correlation to what might happen actually happen when the spirit moves us?

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Quantum Theory Christmas card

pluralism to the second power

a lot of people seem to have some kind of moral objection to the idea of a pluralistic universe....they want absolute certainty that their god is in his heaven and all is right with the world, in the long run....of course there is that nasty of problem of evil, but what they want is the assurance that in the end everything is One, and thus all warm and cozy and O.K........well, let's take a little look at the way things really are.....it's much more bizarre than a pluralistic universe, it's a multiverse....the Theory of Everything, which goes through the math and logic and finally reconciles General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, presents us with a reality in which physical constants are not constant everywhere.....so where does that leave the much loved moral constants?
Well, let's be pragmatic about this.....we are never going to actually interact with another layer of the multiverse, are we? So let's just concentrate on the world as we see it, and not worry about what goes on Over There.....but.....the here and now is in fact hopelessly entangled with the there and then.....the nuts and bolts of our perceived state of affairs, the quarks, the bosons, and what all....they need the other dimensions we can't directly reach through our senses to constitute the whole mess, the multiverse of pluralism to a higher power.....
What's my point? Well, just that you can't be too smug about thinking you have it all figured out....that things are as that seem.....that any authority is good authority.....

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

quantum wave-front in tune

the big things are still there

on the Other Side.....the clouds of dark matter, for one thing.....and the vacuum energy behaves the same as it does in our mundane human reality....if it didn't, the ship wouldn't work. But many things are different.....perhaps most notably the time-flow.....that's why we can go "faster-than-light".....when we translate to the next plane over, hardly any time passes for us, on the ship, while the years keep spinning merrily away for the rest of humanity.....so when the ship slides off the astral plane back into "normal" space, we think we have traveled a long ways.....that always seems backwards to me, but that's how it works.
Time doesn't really "flow" in any direction after all, that's the crux of it....that's how we can get back home later, nothing has really moved from where we left it. There are still stars and planets and what-not on the other planes of reality, most of them anyway.....the "higher planes" tend to do without what we call the physical, the hard stuff of matter.....the folk there are pure energy.....but we don't have to deal with them very often on a simple trip like this one....all we are doing is re-tuning quantum probability wave-fronts a little sharp or flat, depending on which way we need to go, "away" or "back"......
When I'm off watch, I have to switch mental modes, and remember how to interact with other people, instead of singing harmony with the Powers.....to me, this is the hardest part....it doesn't help very much that my shipmates tend to treat me like some kind of weirdo.....a bona fide space-case, one who leaves mundane reality for a living.....oh well, there are perks....you've got a pretty high rank in the shipboard scheme of things, and cute young female passengers seem to find excitement in the company of the mysterious dashing Astrogation Officier....

Sunday, November 14, 2010

astral focus

Brain Entrainment, originally uploaded by legend5555.

At the far edge of this reality

the ponderous twin-hull battle saucer is approaching .8 light-speed, after three weeks ship-time acceleration from Sol System. I am on the bridge, at Astrogation Station, wired into ship-brain, getting us ready to break on through to the other side......I employ my calming mantra, in conjunction with the specific drug regimen, and enter the singlet state...."The resulting fourth state i.e. the singlet state, is interpreted to correspond to the superconscious state of intuitive experience and is justified by invoking the concept of the universal consciousness as the underlying source of all individual states of experience. It is proposed that the individual experiences result from the operations of four individualizing observables which project out the individual from the universal." Basic Neuroquantology 100, what almost all university students are exposed to some time along the line in this day and age.....everyone thinks they have a cognitive grasp of the concept, but only a few individuals will ever actually experience the truth of Single Consciousness.
I remember the Shaman Lesson.....let go of Self, let the Unseen Powers flow.....If I do not become able to See.....then the whole majestic ship and it's more than 500 crew members and passengers will become lost in space....my lonely self included.....but it is all falling into place now, I intuit the resonant frequency of our mundane plane and the astral plane.....my hands are on the tuning controls, and I smoothly blend two realities together, and we slip in an instant from Human Space into the realm of the Others.....
Mind flows through the mundane, Mind flows through the astral, Mind carries us on our voyage.....