I was reading that the recession before the recession when the Soviet empire fell was the 1980-81 recession. I don't seem to remember that recession.... maybe it was just a small one, or something. I do remember driving to work one morning in the early 80's, and a dude with a framer's belt on was hitch-hiking towards the freeway. I picked him up, and since I was in my Post Office uniform, he asked me what that kind of work was like....how much did we make? I told him and he laughed...he said he was making twice that framing in the new tracts out around Perris and Moreno Valley. But the bottom fell out of that, didn't it? Because I can remember wondering about what happened to that framing dude, sometime back in those days....if he was still making out OK? And then things boomed pretty good again until around 1990, when houses went upside-down, and that was when they had the savings-and-loan crisis? Framers were hurting again then, I suppose. The guy that wired the house for me up in the mountains couldn't make a go of it up there by '91....went down to the valley to look for work. And all the dot.com stuff started, and that bubble burst. Etc...etc....
When we started climbing out of the Big Recession, which I do remember, is when health care was mandated, and everyone was obliged to do What the Doctor Ordered, whether you liked it or not. And the gene-splicing wizards sussed out how to stop aging.....for the more wealthy anyway.....and there was a lot of turmoil there for a couple decades.....class warfare to the death, until we ended up with the way things are now, with the Life Lottery....just buy your tickets, and maybe you too will get rejuved.....which is what happened to me....still living, but too damned old to really remember it all.....